Rule II. Membership

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Section 1. 会员包括的人士
All members of the Bar of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals shall be members of the District of Columbia Bar subject to due compliance with the conditions and requirements of such membership. See Bylaws; District of Columbia Bar Membership Manual. Residence in the District of Columbia shall not be a condition of eligibility to membership.

Section 2. 新入学学生必修课
The Bar shall establish and administer a course on the District of Columbia 职业行为准则 and on District of Columbia practice. 在获得靠谱的滚球平台资格后12个月内, all members shall, 按大靠谱的滚球平台公会规定的程序办理, complete such course and certify compliance with this requirement. Failure to complete the course or otherwise satisfy any related requirements may result in suspension from the Bar and an inability to practice law in the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia Bar shall report annually to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals on the course described in this Section. 报告应讨论, among other things, the curriculum, the faculty, 演示的次数, attendance, 以及因违规被停职的靠谱的滚球平台人数.

Section 3. 会员类别
The members of the District of Columbia Bar shall be divided into at least 4 classes known respectively as “active” members, “judicial” members, “inactive” members, 还有“退休”成员. The class of inactive members shall be limited to those persons who are eligible for active membership but are not engaged in the practice of law in the District of Columbia and have submitted a written request to the Bar requesting enrollment in the class of inactive members. Judges of courts of record, full-time court commissioners, U.S. 美国破产法官.S. magistrate judges, other persons who perform a judicial function on an exclusive basis, in an official capacity created by federal or state statute or by administrative agency rule, and retired judges who are eligible for temporary judicial assignment, 并且不从事法律业务, 应当归类为司法人员, except that if a member’s terms and conditions of employment require that the member be eligible to practice law, 然后该成员可以选择成为活跃成员. Inactive members in good standing and judicial members who are no longer a judge may change their classification to that of an active member by submitting a written request with the Bar for transfer to the class of active members and by paying the license fees required of active members. Judicial members who are no longer a judge shall be classified as active members if they engage in the practice of law in the District of Columbia. Retired members are those persons who have retired from the practice of law (except, as provided in D.C. App R. 49, 在无偿的基础上), 或者是完全残疾,无法从事法律工作的人, and who have certified that (a) they have been an active member of the Bar for five years (two years of any combination of inactive or judicial membership may be substituted for one year of active membership to satisfy this requirement); and (b) they have been engaged in the practice of law in the District of Columbia or elsewhere for a total of 25 years. 规则第49(c)条另有规定的除外, no judicial, inactive, or retired member shall be entitled to practice law in the District of Columbia or to hold office or vote in any general election or vote on other business conducted by the District of Columbia Bar.

理事会可以, 在与法院协商后, create additional classes of membership and establish the required qualifications for such classes.

Section 4. License Fees
The District of Columbia Court of Appeals shall set a ceiling for annual license fees payable by any member. The Board of Governors shall determine the amount of license fees to be paid annually by members in the various classes of membership. All license fees shall be paid to the Bar and shall constitute a fund for the payment of the expenses of the Bar. 理事会可以 make recommendations to the Court concerning the amount of the ceiling on license fees. 如果提出这样的建议, 法院应予以公布, 靠谱的滚球平台的任期为六十日, 或本法院指示的其他期间, 在评论中. Recommendations by the Board of Governors for an increase in the license fees ceiling shall not be subject to referendum under Rule VII.

Non-payment of license fees may result in suspension and the inability to practice law in the District of Columbia.

Section 5. 辞职复职
A member’s resignation from and reinstatement into the Bar shall be governed by procedures prescribed by the Bar, which shall include consultation with the 纪律大靠谱的滚球平台办公室.

Section 6. 致书记的通知
靠谱的滚球平台公会秘书应立即提出, 本庭书记员, the names of those attorneys who have registered with the Bar and those whose membership status has been changed in any way pursuant to the provisions of this Rule.

